Get the plate you want to serve the tiramisu from and cut the sponge in half. Put a sheet of baking parchment on top of the sponge and flip it over and remove the bottom baking paper. This will be easier to transfer.
Carefully transfer half of the sponge to the plate with the bottom of the sponge now facing up (the coffee will soak in better). Use a fork to gently pierce the top of the sponge so the coffee soak will soak in better.
Gently pour over half the coffee mixture onto the sponge and use a pastry brush to brush with the coffee mixture until you have covered the sponge evenly.
Add half the cream on top of the sponge and spread it out so that the sponge is well covered.
Drain the tin of cherries and leave them to drain dry. Add a few of the cherries on top of the cream (approx 15 cherries). Sieve over some cocoa powder on top or grate on some chocolate.
Next carefully add on the remaining half of the sponge again bottom side up and try to line it up so it's exactly on top of the base layer. Pierce lightly with a fork.
Pour over the remaining coffee mixture and spread it around with a pastry brush so it's well covered.
Add the remaining cream layer, a few cherries on top, and finish with a coating of cacao powder and finely sliced chocolate.