This is such a delicious recipe that can help to soothe hayfever symptoms. For some reason a few years ago Steve started to get hayfever. These ice pops are soothing, super tasty, packed full of nutrition and help reduce symptoms. We use the Nama J3 which is the smaller, more compact travel upright masticating juicer which has a really useful “hands free juicing” hopper - learn more here and use the code HAPPYPEAR10 to get 10% off!
Takes 8 hourshours10 minutesminutes
Serves 12
Yellow Juice Later
2medium Oranges
½thumb-sized piece of Turmeric 6g
½thumb-sized piece of Ginger 6g
1Yellow pepper
Green Juice Layer
1handful of wild Nettles or kale
½a head of Celery
2Green apples
First make the yellow juice by peeling the oranges and half of the lemon. Add the ingredients to the hopper and juice. Pour the juice into the ice pop moulds.
For the green juice cut the apples in half and add all ingredients to the hopper and juice. Pour the juice into the ice pop moulds.
If you want a two-tone or double layered ice pop you will have to fill the ice pop moulds half full with the yellow juice and leave to freeze for 2 hours. Remove and top up with the green juice and leave to freeze overnight.